Monday, July 10, 2006

Ever Held a Wombat?

**If you would like to look at pictures - go to the link on the side of the page. Cayley and Megan's Australia Pictures link. Pretty self-explanatory.**

I have returned from the red desert. We were correct...there was nothing but red sand. In hopes to make this shorter and still fill you in on our journey, I'm going to make a list. It will kind of go in chronilogical order if I can remember that way.

1. There's a town we stopped at on the way called Cook. Population 6. That's right. Only 6 people. 3 run the gift shop, 2 sell sausage and onion buns, and the other one was out of town.

2. Rottnest Island. Our alarm didn't go off. We were extremely rushed and nearly late to catch our shuttle at 7am. We took the ferry across the Indian Ocean to this island. We rented bikes. We started out with a lovely tandem bike with a basket however, could not make it work. It would have been a loooong day had we carried on with it. After our first crash, (Cayley was on the back and managed to sneak away with minor injuries) I walked away, luckily, with most damage to my pants and a bruised ankle. So we traded big Bertha in for two young bucks. Cayley's named, Rosie Montegra and mine named, Violet Montee. They did us well for the day. Our 16 km trek around the gorgeous island was a lot of fun. We managed to stop at a few beaches to get a bit burnt.

3. My toothbrush was stolen from the bathroom.

4. Caversham. Cayley and I took the bus out to Caversham Wildlife Park however, we somehow missed our stop. We ended up in the middle of nowhere and had to figure out how to take the bus back to the stop that we didn't know how to find the first time. After awhile, we made it. We arrived at the front gate where there is a courtesy phone to call the park and they come pick you up. Just our luck, the courtesy phone was broken...and actually completely gone. Luckily, we had our mobile and they came to pick us up. At the park, we saw A LOT of animals. Cayley held a wombat named Doza, we saw kangaroos with joeys, koalas and a weeeee little baby one, and WE RODE A CAMEL!!!! It was great!

5. Crazy Road Trip! We met 2 girls from our hostel and decided to rent a car and go on a road trip. So our fancy little Hyundai carried us to Wave Rock. A giant rock that looks like a wave - and then we got lost in the bush. The next day, we went to the Sand Dunes and The Pinnacles. At the sand dunes, it was funny. Everything looked like Napoleon Dynamite when his gramma goes to the sand dunes. There were motorcycles and quads everywhere. We rented sand boards and went sand boarding. It was fun. At the Pinnacles, (a place with all these different sized rocks) and took lots of pictures. Oh yeah! There was chunks of the road that had no speed limit - so it was great..he he. All in all the road trip was good, but we just about ran out of gas twice. The gas light came on and we still had 40 km to go. We made it, luckily. And the next day the gas light came on at 70km - thankfully at 50 km a gas station showed up.

6. The hostel had a hot tub.

7. I wish there were pictures for this but they don't seem to be working. I think it must be blogger. If I'm wrong, and somebody else can load pictures, leave me a comment and tell me what you're doing different. Thanks

I think those were most of the high points. There were many funny moments as well. We definitely felt the wrath of my bad travel karma time and time again though. Cayley is going to realize not all traveling is this chaotic once she travels with someone else. Nothing seems to be an easy road for us but we're always in good spirits. She keeps me in check and I thank God for her being here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you have someone with you as well. Your travel mishaps would be pretty hard to take if you were all alone...even if you always have God with you.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Keller said...

Thanks for sending those pics... that sand surfing looks awesome! Have fun with the rest of your travels... Figi or Bali?

6:10 PM  

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