Friday, June 09, 2006

His Better is Better

Why do I think I know what's better for me than God does? He has a plan set up for me yet sometimes I seem to think that I can do a better job. Not so. We are like kids asking our dads for something. We are in a store throwing a hissy fit screaming for something that we think we 'need'. Our father has something better in mind for us, but we are so consumed with what is right in front of us, we can't see past that. He can see the bigger picture and wants something better.

God does everything in his own timing (thank heavens) and so when he finally reveals what he has in store for you, I think most of the time, you can look back and see why everything happened as it did. You look back and think, "man, I was such a child. He knew the whole time." It's like wanting an ice cream cone at the mall, parent says no, because they are taking you home to have ice cream cake at home. So much better. The parent can reason with you all they want at the mall - but you aren't going to listen. Maybe that is part of why God works in mysterious ways. He knows that some of us are just too stubborn to reason with. Plus - he's God, he shouldn't have to.

We think we know better but God's better is better than our better.

'For I know the plans I have for you' says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster. To give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

He says yes or no all according to his plans. Can you possibly imagine what life would be like if God said yes to all of our prayers? How do you spell DISASTER! I cannot even fathom that world! God knows better than me. I say again, God knows better than me. God is not a mean God who wants us to have an unhappy life. But always has the best intentions in mind for us. If he says no - there is something better coming. I try to think back on things that God said 'no' to in my life and I praise him for those no's! Things would have been terrible if he'd said yes to some of the things I asked for.

Praise God for NO'S! God is good ALL THE TIME!

On a different note - saw my first big spider tonight.

Cayley was walking down the hall to our room and came skipping back into the living room screaming "spider!!". We all thought, 'daddy long legs.. what a chicken'. Then Wade (my brother's friend) goes down the hall and comes running back screaming louder then Cayley did! So we all rush to the hallway to see this thing. This spider, probably 3 or 4 inches (or a baby cat as my brother would call it) went speeding up the wall and closer to the ceiling. We all went bug eyed at the size of this grey-brown furry thick spider who was faster than any bug we've ever seen move before. As my brother ran for the broom and dust pan, I ran for my camera at the same time. We met back in the hallway, I took some shots, switched to video mode and he started swatting. As it fell to the floor, he chased it down the hall as Wade was screaming. He finally managed to scoop it up and Wade ran to open the door. He opened the inside one but not the screen one. He then decided to get brave and grab a jar thinking he was going to trap it! Stupid kid. But my brother started shouting, "it could be poisonous, you idiot!" He dropped the glass jar on the cement floor and thankfully, it didn't break. So after a long haul, many screams, laughing our heads off, and a few pictures (one below), we got the spider outside. Phew..


Blogger Keller said...

The picture of God as the parent is relaly good. I was reading in the Divine Conspiracy re: prayer and that's what had come up.

On a different note (and from a less than accurate theological picture) our fellow "theologian" Garth Brooks sings a song called "Unanswered Prayers". Although I do believe God DOES ANSWER all our prayers, the premise of not getting what we always want but something better is a good picture... "which of you when your son asks for bread gives him a stone?"

I'm not scared of spiders. I would've loved to be there. Nice pictures!

6:14 PM  
Blogger Superjan said...

SICK! I hate big furry spiders....i remember the boys at bible school had a pet tarantula and they would use it to play horrible pranks on the girls. i got to hold it. it kinda reminded me of a kiwi fruit

7:16 PM  

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