What's your Degree?
After this, I went upstairs..not a whole lot better. But we found a space heater! So we turned it on, made some hot chocolate, took some marshmallows, so crazy utensils, and plopped ourselves down infront of the heater. So we decided to roast mallows on the space heater for brunch...we too had to rotate like marshmallows to keep both sides of our bodies warm. So this is me in my house...those were the best mallows ever! They were perfectly melted allllll the way through.
So we called our landlord and he said, "the heat is broken? Oh, so it must be cold there, hey? I'm in SUNNY VANCOUVER - EVERYTHING IS GREEN...7 DEGREES!" BAh!! oh man. so we called ATCO emergency. "ah, yes ma'am.. we'll be there within 24 hours"... We could be dead by then. So a couple hours later, they came...not an ATCO job..they can't do it. Call Lennex.. Ok.. so, i'm outta here. And that's where I flew the coupe. Let someone else take care of it. Hopefully when I get home, there will be heat.
BTW - even when our heat does work.. our house is approximately 13 dgrees on a good day. But anyhow... I'm cold.