English is Crappy: Wish I Were Austrian
It's 8 o' clock AM....I should be sleeping. But I'm not. I'm sitting in crappy English and the teacher, Ilona Ryder, (almost too close to Wynona Ryder...coincidence? I don't think so) is talking about something soo boring, I need to blog to stay awake. What's she talking about? I wish I could tell you. Why did I come? So I could get a blog done. Hah!
Well, my day has begun boring, and doesn't look promising. However, this afternoon, I have to go for a N95 Mask Fitting...Sounds strange hey? This is the description I was given: "They put this GIANT hood thing over your head and pump it full of crap! And ask you if you can smell!!" Now, this could be very boring, or ridiculously entertaining. Because if you know anything about me, you are aware that I have a 'broken sniffer'. This does not mean that my nose is broken, it means that my SMELLER is broken. I do not smell things...ever. Flowers, rain, farts...nothing. HOWEVER, I got my adenoids (a particular type of tonsil) taken out when they took out my tonsils, well, they tried. But oddly enough, I didn't have any. Well, since I got my tonsils taken out, I could sometimes, possibly, smelll some things. But it's never in a pattern. I smelled popcorn once...almost barfed. It was just so overwhelming I thought I was going to die. But other times, I do not smell the popcorn. All very strange.
So I'm curious as to whether I'm going to be able to smell these things this afternoon. I'll keep you posted. I might puke in the hood, I might be a new creation she's never seen before. Hah!
Well, after I do that, I think I'm going to opt out on studying, hehehe... I wish I could.
Oh, about the "Wish I Were Austrian" part...I don't want to be in English, and if I spoke German I wouldn't have to be here, or wouldn't be expected to understand what she's talking about. And then I'd be back at Caperwray....
So, if i understand this correctly, is this going to give you the ability to smell things, or is it going to tell you whether or not you have the ability to smell things?
Haha, well I guess I didn't explain that too well. The mask fitting has nothing to do with making me smell or not or whatever. That's for nursing, which I'll need for my clinical in January. But the lady is going to ask me if I can smell things, and if I can't, she's gonna think I'm wierd.
Whenever I hear of people getting "abilities" to do things (i.e. run fast or smell) I want to know where the meteor rocks are.
In some ways your lack of smell is a blessing. Especially if you've ever hung out with me at Branden and Kristin's after pizza. HA!
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