Monday, December 05, 2005

N95 Mask Fitting

Well, in addition to my other blog today, I would like to give you the update on the 'N95 Mask Fitting'. Quite the ordeal it turned out to be. They take you in, give you a little respirator mask and make you 'fit' it. As I filled out the form, one of the spots said, Do you have difficulty smelling? And so then I had to talk with the guy, and he's like, do you eat a lot of spicy food? I was like, not on a regular basis. Well can you taste? And I said, Sure I can taste! He's like, good, you'll be able to taste this stuff. Sweet, away we go. Not quite.

They put this 'hood' thing on you so you feel like a space man, and then they pump a 'milder' form of this crap into the little hole that is on the front of the plastic. It tastes awful. Bitter and your mouth feels like crap. So then, you put on your little mask, and then they pump strong stuff into the 'hood'. And they ask you if you taste it. Well, not at first. then she says 'deep breaths'.. OH GROSS!

Okay, so they threw away that mask...Let's try a different size, you have a funny shaped face! Why thank you! That's why I came, for the compliments...not so much. So they go and get a new size. (By the way, everyone else usually only takes one shot at this). New mask, here we go again...Into the hood I go, and they start pumping this crap.. I made it to like, the third exercize.. There are like 6 you need to do to pass. I failed... So, they throw out the mask...Now we're onto this 'special' mask for 'special faced' people. I get it fitted, and under the hood I go. I make it through all 6 tests...breathe, deep breaths, turn your head, nod your head, read this thing,...and so on. Then, she says. YOU PASSED!! YESSSSS!!!

After having all of this crap pumped into this 'hood' I was wearing, it got hot and sweaty, and gross....I finally passed. So that's how it all went down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait are supposed to wear that crazy hood when you're in clinicals? You're gonna freak out all the patients Meg!No wonder everyone always talks about the flaws of the Canadian health system!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Keller said...

You remind me of people in Ontario when the SARS outbreak occured. They even shut down the hospital in Tillsonburg... even though we had no cases. Scary.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

Ooo, SARS, scary. Ya, I felt like a martian..A starvin' marvin the martian. And then breathing got hard and hot, not comfortable.

11:10 PM  

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